Thursday, 17 January 2013

Grease Lightning Treatment is Magic!!

This week my skin has been horrendous just lacking in hydration, really dry and spotty the list is endless..... My skin since my teenage years has always been spotty especially on the t-zone and chin. I suffered really badly with the under the skin spots which are like  hard lumps under the skin so painful. I used to try so many spot treatments you name it ive tried it. Everytime i used a spot treatment like clearasil it just made my face 10x worse!! But since i hit my 20s my skin has calmed down abit but obviously around that time of the month it comes out but not nowhere near as bad as it used to be. So i was reading Pretty Little Obsessions blog which is one of my favourites at the moment and the lovely Melissa reviewed Lush's Grease Lightning spot treatment. So i thought why not give that a whirl.

"This is for those times when something erupts on your face and you just need it gone as soon as possible. 
Grease Lightning is a clever combination of natural ingredients that attack spots without taking it out on the rest of your skin".

It is a gel based treatment freshly made with a months expiry on it which i am a huge fan of i like that it is fresh and pure. The product is invisible and you only need the most tiniest little bit for the little nasties. It contains witch hazel, tea tree oil, seawater and many other ingredients that help to tackle the spot. 

(My amazing photography skills once again)

My first impression was that i was very sceptical about this product. What makes it so different from  all the other spot treatments on the market? Rest assured that my mind has been totally amazed with how quickly and effective this product it. I had a right beaut of a spot near my eyebrow and within 1-2 days its totally vanished. Now that is some product!! I am totally wowed over by quickly the treatment acts. I cannot recommend this product enough to all of you :) The freshness of the product is great even though with a months expiry date is abit on the down side but for the price of it well worth the little miracle :)

Lush Spot Treatment - £5.95 

Has anybody tried any other little miracle products?



  1. Ahh so glad you tried this too! Thanks for the little mention, it really is such a good product! Xx

    1. Awww it no problem lovely :) im glad i came across this product now :) xx

  2. I love this product it works so fast! :) xx

    1. Its a little beauty :) it works amazingly deffo like magic haha :) xx

  3. This sounds so great, I go through phases of having really bad skin so I might check this out :)

    -Lucy xxx

    1. You should check it out hun :) its amazing :) xx


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