Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year New start - 2014

 Well hello everyone!! it feels like such a long time since i have properly blogged and its been so weird not writing out posts. To be honest life just completely took over with stress of uni work and enjoying christmas its been left behind but im back :) - Hope you all had a lovely christmas!

2013 has been a strange year for me as ive felt like life has just been plodding along but me looking from a different perspective. I havent felt myself at all and not to sound too down but i havent been enjoying life as i should be. At 22 years old i have been having a so called midlife crisis is whats its seemed. I have had alot more downs than ups to be fair. Just a few weeks ago i thought everything i was doing was just going completely wrong not being motivated or wanting to actually do anything. So ive vowed that 2014 will be so much better. 

I want 2014 to be full of laughter, memories and adventures. Doing things last minute that are completely spontaneous! - (I also have a book from Katie Piper who is a huge inspirational person to note and within the book it contains 365 of positive affirmations. Now you may be thinking god she needs to get a grip but honestly the small things like affirmations truely make me feel so much better. I cannot wait to look at it everyday and to not take life for granted. 

As most people say every year 'next year will be better - new year new start' i firmly believe its going to be my year in which im going to make it my mission for it to bring me back to life. I have no idea in what i want to happen but its going to be an exciting journey and i for sure want to update you all in what happens along the way :)

May 2014 bring you all happiness <3

'From today i will think about the good things to come in my life, and let go of things that have happened in the past. I can make great things happen'.

Monday, 7 January 2013


Having spent all today thinking about what to have as new years resolutions i always seem to come up with the same ones like eat healthy and not eat has much chocolate etc which will only last a week then i will fall back into my old habits. So i thought this time i will have a different perspective on this year which i have come to the conclusion that....

1. I want to have a healthy year in regards to my health as last year was one of the worse forever more trailing around to the doctors every 3 months. 

2. Be more spontaneous and say YES to new opportunities or activities.

3. Be thankful everyday for the amazing blessings i have. 

4. Venture more into creativity.

5. Hopefully pass my first year at university and make every moment count (do not want to repeat a year which in return will make me more in student debt). 

 5. Travel more and plan more trips.

What are your resolutions? 

Love Emily